Sunday, September 30, 2007
I know what jealousy is
It's rather annoying and makes me want to spend all kinds of money I DON'T HAVE to keep up with the Jones'.
My church is like dying or something
My boss's mother died in January, 2 other members were giving up on life and slowly dying. For the most part they're better, but their bodies are still frail.
Earlier this year it was found out that the piano/organist has Hep C. He's on a treatment for it and is slowly being cured.
In August the Senior Pastor found out he had cancer in his pancrease. By the time they operated to remove it, it had spread. Part of his pancrease was removed, his spleen and part of his intestines I think. He still has cancer, but there's nothingThere's so much illness, in some cases it's terminal, and death at my church.
My boss's mother died in January, 2 other members were giving up on life and slowly dying. For the most part they're better, but their bodies are still frail.
Earlier this year it was found out that the piano/organist has Hep C. He's on a treatment for it and is slowly being cured.
In August the Senior Pastor found out he had cancer in his pancrease. By the time they operated to remove it, it had spread. Part of his pancrease was removed, his spleen and part of his intestines I think. He still has cancer, but there's nothing the doctors can do, but there was something about him changing his dietary habits and something else and prolong his life some. He's 60 something years old.
The Associate Pastor is going to be 80 in November. He's still a strong and healthy man, but age is wearing his body down...
Then today. Today was a shocker. Cynthia, the Senior Pastor's wife, found out she has cancer too. I think it's uterine cancer. I don't remember. But it's in the early stages. She's going to have a complete hysterictomy and hopefully that will lead to a complete recovery and her being cancer free.
When I heard that, I felt bad for the first thing that came to my mind. See, Cynthia & George were on this speciality diet and taking all kinds of vitamins - both "prescribed" by their herbalist, and look what happens. Everytime we had a church luncheon or dinner, and they stayed for it or came for it, they had something completely different than everyone else, and it looked like they were mostly eating salads. And that's all they'd talk about eating. Salads. The foods that we had wouldn't have hurt them, at least in my mind set.
I know eating healthy and taking vitamins isn't the cause for cancer, but it just seemed odd that within 6 months to a year of them starting that routine, this bad stuff started to happen. Cancer is very much apart of their family history.
So there's a lot of praying going on at my church, and I feel really out of place.
the doctors can do, but there was something about him changing his dietary habits and something else and prolong his life some. He's 60 something years old.
The Associate Pastor is going to be 80 in November. He's still a strong and healthy man, but age is wearing his body down...
Then today. Today was a shocker. Cynthia, the Senior Pastor's wife, found out she has cancer too. I think it's uterine cancer. I don't remember. But it's in the early stages. She's going to have a complete hysterictomy and hopefully that will lead to a complete recovery and her being cancer free.
When I heard that, I felt bad for the first thing that came to my mind. See, Cynthia & George were on this speciality diet and taking all kinds of vitamins - both "prescribed" by their herbalist, and look what happens. Everytime we had a church luncheon or dinner, and they stayed for it or came for it, they had something completely different than everyone else, and it looked like they were mostly eating salads. And that's all they'd talk about eating. Salads. The foods that we had wouldn't have hurt them, at least in my mind set.
I know eating healthy and taking vitamins isn't the cause for cancer, but it just seemed odd that within 6 months to a year of them starting that routine, this bad stuff started to happen.
So there's a lot of praying going on at my church, and I feel really out of place.
Here's a quick story
In other news, tomorrow is my dad's 63rd b-day. I don't have any money to get him anything...can the cruise he just went on be his b-day gift too? lol I don't mean to be x' 2
Also, CashForCDs re-opens tomorrow. FINALLY! It seemed like forever for them to re-open again!
Dr Who
I'm watching it on my local PBS stations (there are a few affliates). How weird!
Interesting show though. I've watched it a few times, but didn't know what it was until now.
I'm in the middle (or it could be end) of The Doctor Dances from Series 1. Next Saturday/Sunday is Boom Town and Bad Wolf so I have to be sure and watch that.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
my horoscope was right on again
You're in a great position to make real progress on that work or school project that has been tormenting you. You'll amaze yourself and your peers with your new dedication and soon should be moving on.
The junk mail in my office has been piling up since the beginning of SUMMER and today I finally tackled it. I sorted it and tossed it if we didn't need it. Next I'm working on some of the empty boxes. The larger ones (like what the paper comes in) I'll take home and use for packing, and the rest, I'll use for shipping or I'll toss them. I also have old files (from back when I started in 2001) to organize and file (or toss). Eventually the office will look decent again and my mom will get off my back!
Next I'll have to do the same thing in my bedroom. It's beginning to look more and more like a closet with a freaking bed and TV in it! I barely have space to walk around...and forget about more than 2 people being in there! We tried that on Thursday with me, my nephew and niece. No room to move. at. all. Then again, they are big kids...
Still here at work (if you couldn't tell from the first paragraph) and I just had lunch. I'm ready to go home now, but they're still working on the lawn. It hasn't been worked on in a few weeks so it's pretty bad. Plus the yard workers (with the exception of my mom) are perfectionist...or at least that's how it seems to me. It's 10 minutes to 2 p.m. now...I don't see us leaving before 3:30 or 4 p.m. Luckily there isn't really anything on TV I want to watch...I just want to be at home.
I guess I'll go through and toss more stuff here in my office to pass the time.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I had no idea
Sure it's cheesy at times...and a bit predictable (why do I find a lot of tv shows to be that?!), but I like it.
I'm not going to get crazy obsessive about it, but I will watch it.
And my sister watches it too. Hearing that made me laugh for some reason. lol
When Izzie shocked the deer...OMG!!
and then when George deilvered the baby...wasn't that the second one he's delivered? as in he helped deliver Bailey's son last season?
Lexie...that lecture she gave to George was totally something Meredith would do!
The touching moment between McSteamy and McDreamy...nice. McSteamy came back for McDreamy. lol
Lexie is kind of...trying to hard. it almost comes off as flirting. Hmmm
But Meredith blowing off Lexie?! not cool! And for McDreamy?! they're going to be functionally dysfunctional. That annoys me
I was beginning to like George and Callie as a couple. But Izzie came along...or back or whatever and now I'm like "Team Married Couple" all the way!
See...I've watched the show in the past! haha
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
4 days (I think) into the new season
That opener was okay, though I was lost as to why Springfield was the was it was only because it kind of picked up where the movie left off (i guess) and I haven't seen the movie. But it was okay from what I remember. lol
King of the Hill
It still sucks and it still irks me the way the characters are. I don't know how that show made it to 12 seasons!
Family Guy
ONE HOUR WAS NOT NEEDED!! THE SPOOF ON STAR WARS WAS UBER LAME! Yet I'll still probably watch it from time to time.
Shark/Brothers & Sisters
I flipped back and forth between Brothers & Sisters: Family Album and Shark. As much as I like law shows (Shark) Brothers & Sisters won me over. I think I'm going to watch it when the new season starts.
I was a little peeved that it was an hour and a half, thus making me miss the first 30 minutes of Heroes, but I deal. I like a majority of the dancers...enough to maybe keep my interest this season.
I watched the last 30 minutes of it. I'm lost. I need to hurry and get season 1 on DVD so I can catch up. but I like it.
CSI: Miami
the whole time watching this episode, I felt so lost. I was getting things mixed up in my brain as to what I've read in TV Guide and online and what happened at the end of last season. I was expecting Delko in the hospital? I have no idea. I think that comes in a few more episodes? I am so confused! I was Speed back so that it'll make sense again!
Same experience as the night before...only this time I was peeved that NCIS and Bones were on at the same time and I had to tape those 2 shows
I didn't watch Reaper like I thought I would.
Didn't watch Cane or Law & Order: SVU like I thought I would either.
I can't really say anything bad about this show. lol The season just started and I wasn't lost (unlike with CSI: Miami) Just a little confused at the ending, but that's okay.
I haven't watched this recording, but it's in my VCR ready to go. I'll probably watch it when I'm done here or sometime before next Tuesday.
I cheated and went to the message boards to see who was voted off. I was indifferent about Josie. I'm rooting for Wayne (to get a little farther), Albert, Mark (for some reason) and part of me likes Sabrina, but part of me doesn't. In watching her judges choice preformance, for a split second, I thought it was the 2 professionals dancing. Also like Mel B...the contestants are a bit of a blur to me now. I don't think I'm invested as I thought I'd be.
Criminal Minds
I'm upset that Mandy Patinkin is gone from the show. I read he left at the start of shooting this season so the writers had to rush and re-write the scripts they had done. I saw the preview for next week's episode...I don't like it. I never thought Mandy Patinkin's character to be the one to take his own life.
It's an interesting show. Reminds me a bit of the cancelled (?) Jeff Goldblum show "Raines". Okay, maybe it's not really the same, but they're both police officers or dectives with unusal ways of solving cases. I actually liked Raines and never really noticed it was off the air.
That's everything I watched. and I'm tired.
wow, this is so true
You're feeling kind of stressed out over some financial issue that seems determined to haunt you -- but don't take any sudden measures. You've got to slow down and consider it all carefully.
I'm going through my CDs and DVDs to see what I can sell and which online website would give me the best deal. I'm not selling anything just yet, though, until CashforCDs opens back up in a few days and see what I can get from them.
I also applied for a US Airways travel agent position out of Phoenix. I know that means if I got the job I'd be moving and my schooling would have to be put on hold or I'd have to go online (which isn't for me), but...I just need to do something for money for all this travling I want to do. The $399/mth I get doesn't do much good (barely allows me to cover my bills).
I have no idea why I can't even get to a freakin' first interview! Someone wanna look at my resume and tell me if I need to change it to get people to at least CALL ME?! It's all VERY FRUSTRATING.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
This school thing is tiring!
Luckily, I'll only have to take 4 or 5 classes...that's if my research is correct. I want to take more history and political science classes, but the ones I'm really interested in taking are only offered at the universities that I want to apply to.
I haven't eaten since 8, so I need to find something to eat.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
sometimes I hate myself
and I have this feeling I'm going to have to keep doing it until I utterly disgusted with myself and can't keep up the charade.
or it becomes the truth.
3rd and last part of my trip write up
I shouldn't have put off doing this. I'm beginning to forget everything that happened on my trip! Not good at all!
El Paso, TX. What a nice city. And I say that not because the city is nice (though I did like what I saw of it from the bus) but because of the guy I met there. LOL I'm such a girl! Can't you tell! I didn't really talk to him until we were somewhere between New Mexico and Arizona, so you'll have to wait until then to know about him.
El Paso…nothing really happened here. People were still frazzled from being held up in Texas for forever and a day that we were all avoiding each other to avoid getting in more arguments.
After El Paso was Lordsburg, New Mexico. I can't remember the exact time we arrived there, but it was something different than the 5:15 a.m. that's listed on my ticket stub. I want to say something like 7 or 8 am, but too much time has gone by that I just can't remember. It was just a truck stop with a Wendy's. My first time at this stop, I didn't get anything to eat, but I was hungry, so I got off the bus, used the bathroom and got something to eat.
So like I said, somewhere between New Mexico and Arizona I started to talk to this guy who caught my eye back in El Paso. We arrived in Tucson, Arizona around noon, had a break of about 30 minutes and we were on the road again.
Roughly 2 or 3 hours later we arrived in Phoenix. Now I'm remembering my timing better because while in Phoenix, a lot of the familiar faces were disappearing and I was able to watch CNN while we waited for our bus. We were in Phoenix for roughly an hour to an hour and a half…maybe a little longer. We also got a new driver who was a total meany! LOL
This is where I really remember talking to this guy. His name is Steven, he's originally from San Antonio and he'd packed up all his things to move to Oregon (at his siblings' suggestion), he's a lay minister, I believe he said he was either 36 or 38 years old, plays the guitar (which is what I first noticed about him), he's a computer programmer and has a son. There was so many other little things that we had in common too. The type of music that we listen to, our interests, being the youngest in the family, computers. It was just fin to talk to him and we never really ran out of anything to talk about. And seriously…we talked from Phoenix to LA. There were a couple of times when we both went to sleep, but if we weren't sleeping, we were talking to each other.
I believe it was about 7 or 8 p.m. when we got to Blythe, California. Everyone got off the bus to get food in McDonalds and there was this older lady (who reminded me a lot of my mom's mom) who was hard of hearing and the bus driver was giving her a hard time. I told the driver I didn't appreciate him talking to my grandmother like that and he left her alone the remainder of the trip. Well anyways, once inside McDonalds, I saw they had this free ice coffee deal when you ordered something and I was going to get one for me and Steven, but I wasn't sure if he liked coffee (later I found out that he did). So I got my food and made sure the elderly lady (who's name I didn't catch) got back on the bus. Steven had bought her a strawberry milkshake and brought it back to her on the bus. That was where I found out he too like coffee. We had the same hazelnut ice coffee. The elderly lady, who I told the driver was my grandmother, said that I reminded her a lot like her granddaughter…only nicer. Compliment for me, insult for her granddaughter. lol
The driver gave us a 30 minutes break and said to be back on the bus at 8:45 p.m. on the dot (or you were getting left). The driver asked several times if everyone was on the bus and we said yes, but that was because we couldn't really see if everyone was on or not. Turns out there were 2 guys who weren't back. One managed to get us before we left the parking lot of the McDonalds, the other ran after us down the street a couple of feet before the driver stopped. He gave the guy a hard time for not following the rules and the guy totally blew the driver off. Both of them were jerks.
It was pitch black through California, and Steven was bummed that he wouldn't get to see anything but nothingness. I kind of tried to point out things to him as we went from Blythe to San Bernardino. Nothing really. The same goes from there to Riverside. Nothing. He was able to point out that we were in Pasadena and we talked about his former friends who lived out there (or by China Lake…wherever that is)
It was about 1 am when we finally got to Downtown LA. There were maybe 30 people on the bus at this time. The originals from way back in Texas and the bus breakdown and the newbies who we picked up along the way.
Finally! Los Angeles. The last stop. People were cheering, which I thought was stupid. I found my parents, had my dad help me with my bags and said goodbye to Steven. He was going to have to wait until 6 a.m. for the next bus to continue his trip, but he had joked about spending a day or two in LA looking around so I don't know what happened to him after that.
I was totally lame and didn't get any contact info from him. So I apparently suck at talking to guys. lol
And that brought me to being home. I got home about 2 a.m Friday morning. I didn't get to bed, though, until almost 4 a.m. I woke up at about 10, I think and before I knew it, the day was over and I was going out to dinner with Lora and heading back to her place to watch movies (though we ended up watching cable, falling asleep/listening to Staci and Pablo argue.
Friday, September 21, 2007
"I didn't ask because you look over the age"
So like I said, they won't probably won't be home until 10:30 or 11, but before noon.
And I hope they took my advice and purchased every decent picture that was taken of them through Carnival. They may be expensive, but they're nice pictures and so rarely are my parents in nice pictures together.
And I've been thinking about it (but I know no one could afford it) but I'd like to do a family cruise. My brother, Nieves and the girl, my sister, her kids (I doubt Neno would be around for something like that), my parents and me.
Longs Drugs is open, so I'm going to go buy a frozen family meal and some cat food before too much more time slips away. But before I do that, I'm going to round up all the trash and empty it. It's almost to overflowing in the kitchen.
Why didn't they call to tell me?!
So like I said, they won't probably won't be home until 10:30 or 11, but before noon.
And I hope they took my advice and purchased every decent picture that was taken of them through Carnival. They may be expensive, but they're nice pictures and so rarely are my parents in nice pictures together.
And I've been thinking about it (but I know no one could afford it) but I'd like to do a family cruise. My brother, Nieves and the girl, my sister, her kids (I doubt Neno would be around for something like that), my parents and me.
Longs Drugs is open, so I'm going to go buy a frozen family meal and some cat food before too much more time slips away. But before I do that, I'm going to round up all the trash and empty it. It's almost to overflowing in the kitchen.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Here's pt 2 of my trip
Where I last left off, I had just gotten dropped off at the Pensacola Greyhound Station. My brother, Nieves and the girls stayed with me for about 30 minutes and oddly enough, left as the bus was arriving. I said my goodbyes to them and waited in line to get on the bus. While I was waiting, a deaf girl came up to me and asked if I could make a phone call for her. She needed me to call her ride and so she could be picked up. I had no problem doing that, so I called, and the girl wanted to give me money for making the call, but I shook my head. I have 600 minutes on my cell and don’t even use 100 of them a month. Letting people use my phone is just to really get it’s use out or whatever.
The bus driver opened the door for us to board the bus (which was almost packed), I found a seat and got comfortable. For the most part, we were on time. Arrived in Mobile, AL at 7:45 p.m., arrived in Baton Rouge, LA at 11:59 p.m. and Lafayette, LA at 2:05 a.m. From there, we kind of fell behind. We got to Houston, TX at 6 a.m. (5 mins late lol) and had a longer than scheduled delay.
Once we got back on the road from Houston to Dallas, with a stop in Buffalo and I think a couple of other cities, things were okay…until we left Ft. Worth for Abilene...2 hours away. We had a full bus, and an equally full undercarriage.
About 1 hour and 20 minutes from Ft. Worth, there's this town called Ranger. Myself and the 56 other people from my bus got to know that town real well the 2 HOURS WER WERE BROKEN DOWN THERE! Ranger, TX...population 75, and 56 of those were the people from the bus! Okay, so there's more than 75 people, but the town is SMALL! From the gas station we were broken down at, we could see what looked like DOWNTOWN RANGER! I didn't want to venture away from the bus for fear I wouldn't return, but there was an Oil Museum, a tower with the town's name on it, railroad tracks and some businesses – many of which looked like they hadn't been operating in YEARS! Real Children of the Corn-like town!
The driver, who had only been driving for 2 DAYS calls maintenance and while they're talking, the driver is doing everything he's told, but that's not working. The bus isn't staying started. So the driver calls Abilene for them to send a bus, and horror of all horrors! there's not bus! The closest bus available is in DALLAS and that's 3 HOURS AWAY! So a bus is sent, but there's no telling how long it'll be before it gets to us!
Thank God for the 4 or 5 former and current truck drivers on board the bus, as well as some other riders! They worked for about an hour on getting the bus working again. The problem? NO FAN BELT! Who in their right mind drives a bus off the maintenance lot with a faulty fan belt!? That's crazy! So they get the fan belt back on, we cheer, pile back on the bus and we're off.
But that's not the end of things! We get a mere 20 miles away and the bus breaks down again! The driver manages to get the bus off the highway to another gas station were everyone is shocked to find that the fan belt is GONE! like disappeared! WTF?! It dissinigrated on the highway!
Now there's nothing that can be done. the driver calls Dallas and the bus that should have been sent when we were broken down in Ranger, was JUST BEING SENT!
We're in this new town for like 3 hours and YES! new bus comes! It takes about 30-45 minutes to unload all the crap from the undercarriage of the old bus to the new bus. By this time, everyone's nerves are SHOT and there's this one lady going on and on about Lord knows what. I had enough of hearing her bitch about breaking down, and I'm sure the other passengers were sick of it too, that the next time she started I told her to shut up. I don't care that she's older than me, but I was tired of it. We all have people we're trying to get to see and complaining about things out of our control was useless and would get her ass kicked if she didn't shut up. We fought for about 10 minutes then the bus driver got on the bus and said he could hear HER outside the bus and she needed to shut up or she'd be going back to Dallas on the broken down bus. So she shut up.
Things are all set and changed and we're off to Abilene. And what do you know! the drama continues!
There were about 6 people waiting for their bus and we come and they think we're the bus. Umm wrong! So then that lady I argued with started up again about having to meet her husband or whatever and she said how the whole way to Abilene she had to hold the door because it was rattling too much...that she saved our lives by holding the door to keep it from popping open. Sure, the door didn't seal right and you could hear a whooshing sound as the bus and air collided, but the door was hardly going to “pop” open causing us to die! I kept my mouth shut and let the other passengers deal with her. They do and she gets off the bus.
2 more buses arrive full with passengers as well. We're all just sitting there waiting to leave and no one is telling us anything. a couple of the passengers get off to find out what's wrong and it seems there's no replacement drivers for ANY OF THE BUSES! We're sitting there for about an hour to an hour and a half with no driver. The one lady who got off the bus ended up buying a ticket on another bus. YES! Don't have to deal with her anymore!
Finally we get a driver and he's bi-lingual. Everything he says in English, he has to say in Spanish. OMG can you please SHUT UP?! I just wanted him to shut up so I could sleep.
Shut up he did, and sleep I did. We made the usual drop off and pick up stops at Van Horn and El Paso.
Doing all that made my brain hurt, so Thursday is going to have to come later.
Raise your hand...
it hasn't been 4 days yet, but my parents ship returns tomorrow at 7 or 8 a.m. and by the time they get off the ship, it'll be 9 or 10 am and they'll get home about 11 or 11:30 am
That's like...24 hrs from now!
Seriously! I can't believe it either!
Apparently my sister has been getting calls from them, but not me...Hmmm I blame Marlin because he was on the phone on Tuesday when my parents were at Catalina Island and probably tried to call her, so they called my sister instead.
I know they're okay, or I would have gotten a phone call from Carnival or something, but I'm just this worrywart when I don't know what's going on with my parents. Yes it's because they're my parents, but also because if something did happen, I'd be out of a place to live and I'm so NOT about to live with my sister. Gang infested LA is not my idea of a place to live.
But I'm going to stop thinking negatively. I'm going to go back to journaling for my scrapbook and identifying which pictures I'm going to use, where they're going to go and what caption I'm going to use. I also need to make sure I have enough stickers. Oh! I need to dig out my Creative Memories bag because I have some stuff in there I can probably use. Hell, if I found that bag, I'd probably find my original baby book and pictures! Those have been missing for like 3 years!
Mmm! Lasagna for breakfast, lunch and dinner today! haha I think I'm pretty good at making food last, though I think tomorrow I'll get something from like Rubios or the Chinese food place so that my parents don't have to cook dinner...and maybe my sister and her kids could stay? Hmm Actually, I'll go to the grocery store today, get something there and then tell my sister when she picks up the kids. yeah. a welcome home dinner.
Off to plan!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Scrapbook text
This is what I have. Tell me what you think.
On September 5th, 2007 I embarked on my cross-country Greyhound Bus trip. My parents, Mary & Richard Elliott, dropped me off at the Greyhound Bus Station in Downtown Los Angeles and after a wait of about 45 minutes, I was called to board my first bus.
City Time Layover
Los Angeles, CA 09:00 a.m. ----
San Bernardino, CA 10:10 a.m. 20 mins
Indio, CA 11:50 p.m. 15 mins
Blythe, CA 01:45 p.m. 30 mins
In Blythe, I grabbed lunch at a truck stop McDonalds and as boarding the bus, Border Patrol questioned each passenger as to their country of citizenship.
I'm a US Citizen thank you very much!
Now leaving California
Now entering Arizona
City Time Layover
Phoenix, AZ 04:35 p.m. 1 hr
Tuscon, AZ 07:45 p.m. 15 mins
Now leaving Arizona
Now entering New Mexico
City Time Layover
Lordsburg, NM 11:45 p.m. 16 mins
Adios New Mexico!
Hola Texas and September 6th!
In El Paso, I changed buses for the first time. It was a very scary and exciting time. Despite it being 3 am, well really 4 am when we got back on the bus again, there was a lot of people in the bus station and Spanish overload!
City Time Layover
El Paso, TX 02:50 a.m. 1 hr 10 mins
Van Horn, TX 07:00 a.m. 30 mins
Ft Stockton, TX 09:30 a.m. 20 mins
Junction, TX 01:05 p.m. 15 mins
In San Antonio, I changed buses again. This time, I was a little more confident about traveling alone and I was able to enjoy myself and people watch.
San Antonio, TX 03:50 p.m. 40 mins
And for the third and last time, I changed buses in Houston. I'm getting to be a pro at this changing buses thing!
Houston, TX 07:75 p.m. 1 hr 15 mins
Orange, TX 10:45 p.m. 15 mins
Adios Texas!
Hello September 7th, Louisana, Alabama & Florida!
City Time Layover
Baton Rouge, LA 01:45 a.m. 45 mins
Mobile, AL 05:30 a.m. 1 hr 15 mins
Pensacola, FL 7:50 a.m. ----
In Mobile, I was able to take a bathroom shower. I wasn't the only one who had the same idea, either! There were about 5 or 6 girls/women, freshening up in the ladies bathroom. I went into the large stall, did my thing and came out feeling a bit more refreshed.
And now I'm in Pensacola! Let the fun continue!
Does it sound too cheesy?
Okay, back to work I go! This is kind of fun! LOL
OMG I'm never going to use another bank again!
To take $60 out of my account (which I needed for my return trip since I'd be buying other things along the way home) I was charged $7 in fees! That's crazy! I wasn't even chagred that much to use my card in freaking Mexico when I went in January! I'm so pissed off!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Pictures all up
I have my first 4 days printed, and I just sent over the pics from my b-day to be printed. They'll be done first thing tomorrow morning (10 a.m.) and I'll pick them up about Noon (if I remember lol).
Eventually I'll start on the album itself. Scrapbooking at church either happens the 23rd or the 30th so I'll see about staying/going back for that so I can really work on them. I think that'll be the only way I'll have motivation to get the album done. But crap! I don't have the pics from my AZ trips printed. I'll have to have those printed the next time I get paid.
Oh yeah, and that write up? It'll be up next. I'm half way done with it. :)
Monday, September 17, 2007
They got on the ship safely
I hope everything else goes smoothly.
Now to plan what I'll have for dinner the rest of this week. I'll probably go to Longs Drugs and see what's in the frozen foods department...or maybe hop the bus to Ralphs and get some food. Hmmm whatever I decide, I have to do it after Marlin and Jasmine leave...they're sleeping right now.
Oh and something I hate...the tv schedule has changed. I don't know when my usual shows come on anymore. It's very frustrating. But TMZ comes on at 6:30 tonight. I'll have to watch it.
Bon Voyage parental units
They'll be back Friday around noon.
I was going to say something else, but I forgot. again, oh well.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Write up pt 1b
I arrived in Pensacola, Florida Friday (9/7) morning and my brother was waiting there for me. He got my bags and we were on our way back to his house in Crestview. I think he lives about an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes away. I'm not sure.
Friday afternoon my brother made lunch (some pasta and bacon dish that was really good) then we (Nieves, the girls and I) went swimming, but Marta wasn't feeling well, so she didn't get in the pool. She was having more fun throwing things into the pool and watching them splash in my face. LOL
That evening I called Marissa and we kind of planned out what we were going to do Saturday for the concert. Nieves showed me all the scrapbooks she'd been working on and kind of got me into doing that as well.
I didn't get to sleep until a little after 1 a.m., I believe
Had cereal for breakfast (even though I wasn't hungry), watched a bit of cartoon with my nieces, then around 13:30 a.m. we headed for Eglin Air Force Base and to see the airplanes that are on display. Stupid me, I forgot my camera so I couldn't take pictures. I took a few with my cell phone, but those are kind of crappy. Nieves has some other ones that she's going to e-mail to me that I can include in my scrapbook. Then we went to the BX (Base Exchange for those who don't know) to look around. I was going to see if I could find a digital camera, but I didn't get a chance to. Instead I got this fuzzy blanket and pillow.
Left the base altogether and after playing txt message tag with Marissa, I got a hold of her to find out what time to meet her then we (my brother, Nieves, the girls and I) went to AC Moore. AC Moore is like Michaels Craft Store, but BETTER! At least better than the Michaels I've gone to. I got some scrapbooking supplies and headed back to the house to drop everything off then head to Marissa's.
When I woke up, my brother was making waffles. I had chocolate chip waffles. Then we got ready to head to the beach. I had no intention of getting in the water, so I didn't put on my swimsuit. I had on pink shorts and a pink tank top and my flip-flops. I did take my towel to sit on and dry off my feet though. We got to this one beach and it was pretty packed so we went to the Eglin Beach (a beach on an air force base…can you believe that?! haha) and staked our claim. The sand is so white and beautiful. It really looks like snow! And the water is this pretty clear blue color…nothing like the watch and sand of the beaches here in Cali! I took about a quart of the sand back with me! The water got me kind of wet so I just got all the way in.
After being there for about an hour, a few people in the water started freaking out because "something was out there". At the time, I was sitting on the shore and happened to look out into the water just in time to see a dorsal fin come out of the water and go back in. My first thought was "OMG a shark?" but then I saw a tail flap and was like "OMG a dolphin!" because the splash was too small to come from a whale. Within seconds, more people saw the dolphins swimming out there - pretty close to people, might I add - and they raced to the water. The dolphins hung around for about 15 minutes, then took off when there was too many people around. Nieves stayed out by where they were swimming and she said that under water, she could hear the noises they were making and that it was awesome. They were a good THREE FEET in front of her! As the excitement of the dolphins was dying down, this little girl freaked out because something swam by her foot. Her mom was calm about it and was like "Sweetie, that's just a sea turtle." I looked out in time to see the shadow/reflection of it swim off. Of all times NOT to have an underwater digital camera! We left the beach about 1 p.m. headed to the fabric store then back to the house to get changed for dinner.
My birthday dinner was at a place called Okinawa. It's a Japanese Restaurant (duh) and sushi bar. There's a hibachi where the cook does the meal right in front of you…Benihana though I've never been before. The chef was making some funny jokes while cooking. He made a volcano out of onion rings. There was flames everywhere. It was very cool! Then, what I'm most "proud" of was the fact that I was able to catch a little piece of shrimp in my mouth! The guy was a couple feet away from me when he tossed it, but still…I CAUGHT IT AND DIDN'T CHOKE! Nieves got a picture of me AFTER I caught it. The shutter speed on my mom's camera was too slow to capture me catching the shrimp in my mouth. I think my brother tried and then this man that was also at the table tried.
My brother, Nieves and I (the girls slept through it because one of them is scared by the show) had Hibachi Shrimp and Scallops and sushi (Alaskan and Tuna). We finished eating and the waitresses came by with a pineapple boat thing and candle and sang happy birthday to me in English and Japanese. Hearing it in Japanese was really pretty. We also had ice cream and a fortune cookie. After that, but before we left, I opened my gifts - a blue purse (Nieves has a brown one like it) and a cross necklace with faith imprinted on it.
We got back to the house about 10 p.m. and Nieves showed me some stuff on the computer and we watched a different version of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. This particular version the group of ten were stranded on this mountain top mansion as opposed to on an island. And just like in the past, I got scared by it and had to sleep with the covers over my head and the lights on. Lol Every time I watch that movie, I have the same sleeping reaction.
I didn't do much this day. Around 11:30 a.m. Marissa picked me up and we went to Red Lobster for lunch and then to The Boardwalk to ice cream and I bought some souvenirs. I got back to my brother's house and then we went to Wal*Mart so Nieves could make copies of the pictures I brought. I bought a couple of movies, some scrapbooking stickers and some postcards for my scrapbook. Got back to the house and watched another Agatha Christie movie before going to bed.
My last day in Florida!
We woke up kind of early. There was a lot to do. Nieves wanted to clean the house so that we could take pictures, so while the cleaning was being done, I was outside with the girls. They finished cleaning, the girls got dressed, I finished getting dressed, and then we headed to a mall like place called Destin Commons. Nice outdoor shopping and a little play area for the kids. So of course, the kids played there and just as we were getting them to dry them off from playing in the fountain area (if you've been to Universal City Walk, it's like there…the water shoots up from the ground) when it started to rain. Within seconds, it was pouring! We barely made it inside to where the bathrooms where before it really came down. We waited it out for a while and when my brother came back from the car with the umbrellas it had stopped raining. We walked around the area more, and got in the car before heading to this one mall that Nieves really want to take me to…I think she just wanted to got o the mall because she'd been wanting to get the girls another pair of shoes so they wouldn't always have to wear sandals.
They got me to the Greyhound station at 5:30 p.m. and my bus wasn't scheduled to leave until 6:40 p.m.
I'll pick up from there later. I have work to do!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Just some pictures
there be lots of pictures here!
Write up to come later.
I'm home!!
I already miss being on the bus! haha!!
I'm going to work hard to get that recap done before I forget too much of it...even if I have to go day by day, it'll get done!
But I'm home. safe and sound. and I forgot to get the names and numbers/e-mail addresses of the friends I made on the bus. Oh well.
soon all public entries will become private.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
See you on the 13th Blogger!
-------------Trip to PENSACOLA, FL-------------
09/05/07 09:00am GLI-1418 * Depart LOS ANGELES, CA
09/06/07 02:50am GLI-1418 * Arrive EL PASO, TX
09/06/07 04:00am GLI-0404 * Depart EL PASO, TX
09/06/07 03:50pm GLI-0404 * Arrive SAN ANTONIO, TX
09/06/07 04:30pm GLI-7270 * Depart SAN ANTONIO, TX
09/06/07 07:45pm GLI-7270 * Arrive HOUSTON, TX
09/06/07 09:00pm GLI-1262 * Depart HOUSTON, TX
09/07/07 07:50am GLI-1262 * Arrive PENSACOLA, FL
I don't know if I'll get online (let alone LJ, GJ, MySpace...etc), but I will try.
I leave Florida September 11th and will be back home September 13th - roughly 2 days and 20 minutes? my math sucks.
-------------Trip to LOS ANGELES, CA-------------
09/11/07 06:40pm GLI-1243 * Depart PENSACOLA, FL
09/12/07 11:50am GLI-1243 * Arrive DALLAS, TX
09/12/07 01:05pm GLI-1437 * Depart DALLAS, TX
09/13/07 07:00pm GLI-1437 * Arrive LOS ANGELES, CA
That's my little schedule for the traveling part of the trip. While actually IN Florida, I only know that I'll be going to the concert with Marissa and that's about it. I checked the weather and it looks like it's going to be icky while I'm there...thunderstorms are predicted for a few of the days I'll be there.
But the rest of today? That'll be spent cleaning my room. My mom is always after me to clean it. I don't know if I'll be able to post tomorrow before I leave, but if not, look for a voice post sometime tomorrow.