Saturday, December 1, 2007


Army v Navy game ended. GO NAVY!! Navy beat the Army 38-3! Army got their ass kicked! LOL

in about 30 minutes will be the USC v UCLA game. GO USC!

The later is Arizona Wildcats v Arizona Sun Devils. I don't know who to root for with this one. Whoever gets the first points is who I'll root for. It sucks having 2 college teams from the same state against each other. I never know who to root for!

in other news...time is running out for me to do my project! My dad asked me if I wanted to go to the library and I said no. I don't feel comfortable working there. It's too quiet. LOL So I'm going to work here: finish my speech. and then tomorrow print it out and work on my powerpoint presentation (since I haven't figured out how to use this operating system's powerpoint program). I hope I get that done tomorrow because I give the speech on Monday! Ick!

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