Saturday, July 21, 2007

Okay UPS where are you?!

According to, my book is somewhere in Cerritos.

I didn't even know there was a UPS facility in Cerritos!

They better NOT come while I'm in the shower or sleeping. I'd be pissed off if that happens.

OMG! It's here!!!

It wasn't delivered by UPS, but through USPS. Me so happy! I almost don't want to open the box! haha

And I even took pictures of the box too. And even if I wanted to open it, I can't figure out how! lol the box is sealed up tight!

edit: OMG I think my camera is dead. I've tried 4 different pairs of batteries and none of them are powering on the camera! I got some red error message that said there was an error in powering off, but I didn't get to read it all before it shut off. I knew the battery was low and I was in the process of getting new batteries when the message came up. Fuck! I think I have to buy a new camera! I'm already on battery pair 8 and nothing is working! This sucks! I've only had the camera for 7 months! It survived 2 trips to AZ and being pissed on by a cat! Harry Potter was no match for it. *sighs* At least my memory chip and few pictures are still good. But it sucks that I won't be able to save up for a new camera by the time I go to FL on September 5th.

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