Thursday, July 5, 2007

So much as gone on

and I don't feel like covering it all. But since I last posted...
  • the neighbor who needed my help...didn't ask for it afterall.
  • went to my little sister, Doreen's, high school graduation. Our high school are "cross town rivals" so it was very interesting being there. The graduation was a bit on the disorganized size, but the speeches were, for the most part, interesting.
  • June 23rd, I went to my first Angels baseball game. It was lots of fun, got a free Angels' cap, collector's cup and the Angels beat the Pirates 10-1!!
  • June 24th I went to my childhood friend's housewarming party. Found out she's pregnant with her 4th child. she doesn't know the sex, but I think she's hoping for a boy since she has 3 girls
  • Got bitched at for not having a job and being home all the time. I take that back, I got bitched at for not having a job during the week. I have a weekend job, it pays my bills, but it's not enough for my dad. He doesn't like me being home all the time. wtf ever! I told him to find me a job and I'd apply....but if I don't get it, he has to stop bitching at me.
  • applied for like 6 jobs in the course of 2 days - it's been a few weeks and I haven't heard back from them...moving on
  • having lots of problems with my sister's kids and them not listening to me. They're the reason I think I don't want to have kids...but I really want to. I just hope that if I do, that when they get to be 10-12, they aren't bad. Since I won't be doing half the things my sister does with her kids, I don't see any reason my kids should turn out that way
  • June 25th/26th I saw Rob. Greatest guy in the world, love him to death. Have loved him for the last 8 years. I don't think anything will come of it though. Too many things in the way. But I really do love him with all my heart and I'll continue to love him.
  • Decided that Jan/08 I'll be going back to school to take 4-6 classes so that I can transfer. I think in February or March I apply to University (CSULB, CSUDH and maybe ASU)
  • Rob went home July 4th and that really made me sad. I wanted to see him again. He'll be back in September. I hope.
  • July 4th, had a family BBQ out by the beach. It was okay. A few people weren't there though. One I wasn't entirely expecting to be there, but 3 I was surprised weren't there. My dad was CONVINCED he saw penguins down by the shore. My cousin and I took a walk there...NO PENGUINS just people. Came back and told him. he said he got pictures, but when he went to show us, they "disappeared" How convienent. We were the first to get to the park at 10 am and the last to leave at about 515 pm. And as usual, had the most stuff to take home. But we have a lot of chicken and watermelon. We got breakfast and dinner covered for a while.
  • September 5th-13th I'll be making my way to FL/in FL/making my way back home. Doing it by bus since plane tickets are too damn much and since Hurricane Katrina wiped out tracks, I can't take a train. On September 8th, I'll be seeing The Used, Army of Me and The Bled with my friend Marissa. It's her gift to me. Hee! I'll be staying with my brother, so I'll get to see him, my nieces and my sister in law. So happy! Last time I saw them was the end of July last year when they came out here!
I think I covered for today...

I am so tired of my dad calling here asking if my mom called. I'm tried of this being the only number everyone calls when they want to know if my mom is home or if she called. I understand that certain people don't know her schedule, so they're going to call, but my dad and sister should know it by now. She's had the same schedule for the last 3 or 4 months!

Monday's she's at Downey Retirement Home from 9 am to 6 pm. She rarely, if ever, calls home before 530. If she does, it's usually to say I'll be done early or I'll be late.

I looked up prepaid phones, since that's what my dad has, and if I can swing my money right, I'll be getting her a tracfone for $10 + 100 minutes for $20. After those 100 minutes, it looks like the cheapest plan is 30 minutes & 45 days of service for $10. I don't mind giving her $10 every 45 days if it keeps my dad and sister from calling every couple of hours asking if mom is home. Because really...I hate getting comfortable in my bed, only having to get up and go to the living room to answer the phone.

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