Monday, October 15, 2007

Has it really been that long!?

There was this guy Manuel I had a...thing...with for the summer. He's much older than me. At the time, I was 18 and he was 27 (I believe). I knew it wasn't going to go away where. He had a 16 ot 18 month old son and I suspected he was still pining for his ex (son's mother) and I didn't want to deal with any baby mama drama.

So like I said, it never went anywhere.

So here it is 6 years later and I get an IM from him. Do I remember him? Of course I do. So we're chatting and everything and I ask him how old his son is...7 years old. I can't belive it's been that long! I mean, I know it has, but still. It just doesn't feel like it.

So that's that.

Yesterday I spent the day afternoon with Staci. Last week she got a little turtle and I guess Friday she got paid and yesterday we went to Petco to get her supplies for it. She spent over $100 for a $5 turtle she bought in downtown LA! That's crazy. And after 40 minutes in Petco, she has everything she needs, we leave and head to her apartment where she asks me to help her set it up, but I end up doing all the work! All she did was rinse off everything and bring water to me when I asked for it. I mean COME ON! This is her freakin' pet and she's not going to know jack about it! I get everything put together only to realize that she doesn't have a heat source for the turtle to dry off under so we go to another Petco, spend another $30 and go back to her place. It's all set up and running properly. Today she should be able to add the turtle to it's new home as it's all be set up and running for 24 hrs. I did get a thank you, so that's good right? And she did buy me a soda and muffin top at the mall, so that's good, too.

I bought my book for my speech class and like I figured, it's a new edition so it's not available used, so I had to buy it new. $85.28! Now I'm overdrawn in my account and desperate to sell my used textbooks that I don't need well as some other books. The non-school books I'll probably have to donate to my library because I can't find anyplace to sell them, and and weren't any help the first time around when I tried to sell these books. I have, however, finally mailed the CDs and DVDs I sold to Wherehouse. Within a week or so I should get a check for that. But anyways...I still need to get my history book and I won't be able to get that until my next paycheck. Oh and there's also rumor with some of the other students who are in my classes, that there might be another book, bringing the total number of books i'll need to 4 and that means more money! Grrr!

There's a part time administrative assistant position I saw with OfficeTeam. I called the person dealing with that position and he said he'd pass my resume on to the company and be in touch with me if they want to set up an interview or want me to start working. Three pluses about this job: It's part time, it's $12/hr and it's in Cypress. I go to school in Cypress so that's great. I only hope my school schedule won't keep me out of the running for this job. I'm at school 2-5 on MW and 3-6 TTH.

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