Sunday, October 14, 2007

sometimes I don't want to have a subject or title

Even though my TV messed up last night, I was still able to watch Dr. Who. When the TV started to mess up, I turned off the primary VCR and turned on the second one and that worked just that leads me to believe that my TV problems aren't necessarily with my TV, but with my VCR. I have no idea what's wrong with it though. So far it hasn't messed up any of my recordings *crosses fingers* so I'm not exactly to the point of tossing it and buying a new one.

Hmmm what else...

I had this weird dream and some of the characters from Harry Potter were in it...but not really. lol There was mention of muggles and they were trying to figure out genetically how they happen or something. I don't know. Then suddenly, I was in this really really nice house and that partly in the country and part in the city. The house had wood floors through out and there were this huge night windows. The funny thing though, when I first got to the house, I was standing outside my neighbor's apartment, but when I unlocked the door it was inside this nice house. Also, there were a lot of people who lived in the house. It was me, and I'm guessing my parents - or at least my mom, my brother, sister in law, maybe their girls, my brother's best friend's wife and their 3 children and my sister's kids?! I had my own room, but when I went in it, my sister's kids crap was all over the place and I got pissed off and my mom was telling me to calm down or whatever. I tossed their stuff into the hallway. And there was this big black bear that was house trained and it was very odd. As most of my dreams are. haha

I'm ready for this day to be over...or at least church so I can go home. I'm freezing cold in my office and I'm boycotting church because it's boring, but I still have to's stupid rule!

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