Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Geek Squad is across the street...ask them for help!

I should have gone out when I was done in the shower.

My mom told me that Angie, the nosy neighbor, was going to come over and ask me for help with some scanner/printer thing she got for Mother's Day. This just royally pissed me off. I have no problem with helping people once and a while, but if you're getting some new electronic gadget EVERY MONTH I'm going to start charging. Not only do I have to figure out how to use it, I have to figure out how to teach it to someone else...and that's not always easy and I get frustrated pretty quickly. And it's not like this woman doesn't have someone else she can go to. She has 2 or 3 children and 4 or 6 grandkids, one of them gave her the damn thing, so one of them should have sat there and taught her how to use it...or *gasp* not have gotten it for her!

This is why I don't get electronic stuff for my mom. I have to reteach her over and over because she doesn't remember. Because she doesn't use it constantly so that she can remember...and then my dad goes and tells her some completely different way and confuses her and I have to reteach her because she comes to me for help.

I was on such a roll with organizing my school papers. Now I'm too frustrated to go back and work on them because I might toss them out the window.

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