Monday, August 7, 2006

Starting over and starting fresh

So I deleted my old blog I had...not that anyone read or noticed or cared, but I did and I'm back. I might delete again, I might not. Only time will tell I guess.

Tomorrow I start my new job. I don't know why, but I refer to this as my first real job...and that's not saying that where I started, and still work isn't or wasn't a real job, but this new one feels more like it.

I'm still doing the secretary thing - at my church and now at a new church. At this new church I'll be making MORE and working MORE. Both of which I'm very anxious about.

I also started on some budgeting since I'm going to have extra cash and this job is going to allow me to pay off ALL my bills in a matter of 4 to 6 months and then I'll be well on my way to saving to moving...or saving for school or something.

I have pictures but before I could take them off my mom's camera she up and took it this morning! There was a REALLY nice picture of me she took at church yesterday. Another time for that.

Have stuff to do, must get going.

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