Thursday, September 27, 2007

I had no idea

how much I'd like Grey's Anatomy.

Sure it's cheesy at times...and a bit predictable (why do I find a lot of tv shows to be that?!), but I like it.

I'm not going to get crazy obsessive about it, but I will watch it.

And my sister watches it too. Hearing that made me laugh for some reason. lol

I don't blame Bailey one bit for feeling how she feels about being passed up for the promotion.

When Izzie shocked the deer...OMG!!

and then when George deilvered the baby...wasn't that the second one he's delivered? as in he helped deliver Bailey's son last season?

Lexie...that lecture she gave to George was totally something Meredith would do!

The touching moment between McSteamy and McDreamy...nice. McSteamy came back for McDreamy. lol

Lexie is kind of...trying to hard. it almost comes off as flirting. Hmmm

But Meredith blowing off Lexie?! not cool! And for McDreamy?! they're going to be functionally dysfunctional. That annoys me

I was beginning to like George and Callie as a couple. But Izzie came along...or back or whatever and now I'm like "Team Married Couple" all the way!

See...I've watched the show in the past! haha

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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