Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I hope they got there in time

My parents left about 6:20 this morning heading to the train station to meet the bus to Laughlin. At 6:20 they should have been there already, not just leaving the apartment. When I woke up at 6 am I was expecting them to be leaving, not just getting dressed. I wasn't even going on the trip and I was paranoid they'd be left. Not because Brad's coming over, but because being left behind is a fear I always have when trip are involved. Hell, when I depend on someone else as my transportation, I have that fear of being left. I so was like, "you guys are gonna be late! you have to go!" So they finally left. My mom barely said goodbye, and if she did, I didn't hear her. LOL

I'm checking Carnival's website and I'm hoping the amount due has gone down from $390, if not, I need to call and ask someone what's going on. edit: it's still at $390. I gave my brother the payment information 3 or 4 weeks ago, plenty of time for him to pay. If he has paid, I don't know why it's not being updated on the Carnival site. I know that from my adding extra things (pre-paid gratuities) the amount was going to go down but "stay the same" at the same time. But why is it at $390 when my brother has had a month to pay his share? Assuming that my sister told him he didn't have to pay $200 (which I know is something she'd do!) I can break the remaining payments into 2 payments of $80 and 2 payments of $40...then I'm never doing anything big with my brother and sister (mostly sister) again. Final cruise payment is due July 19th. I wanted it paid off before then so that I could have the cruise documents in hand to give to my parents when I tell them about it. I need to tell my dad in the next few weeks that he needs to get a passport. Considering how the family funds are, that's going to be hard for him to do. Fuck!

I need to get dressed. Brad isn't due until about 11 am, but my mom told me I needed to take a book to the library today because it's due today. Leaving now will allow for me NOT to walk in the heat of later in the day. I can also stop by my bank and get some money out, though not too much since the check to the vet is still out, and Friday night Lora and I go to ticketmaster for baseball tickets.

I'll be back sometime tomorrow.

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