Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Jesus, Mary and Joseph my books are expensive

My math textbook alone is $134.25 new and $100.70 used! And of course, math is the first class of the new semester so I'd like to have the book for when class started.

Then there's a math study packet (which is optional thank God) and that's $37.85 new and $28.40 used.

My political science book is $70.50 new and $52.90 used.

Geology book is $47.20 new and $52.90 (not sure if this is for the lecture, lab or both, but I'm just taking the lab so I don't know if I'd still need the book...)

I'll be asking the usual people to help me out (yet again) for books this semester - My mom, Lora and the church. You would think that having a job would allow for me to buy some of my books, but every semester I come up short or not able to do it at all. Especially this year since I've had to ask for help with so much.

stupid other church

I need to do all the things I didn't get to do on Monday - go to the bank and then to the mall to pay my cell phone bill. I wonder what time Lora is leaving out today...she doesn't have to go to work until Friday so she's off today and tomorrow. I'll call her around 10:30.

Pictures from last night are coming up. My dad found my mom's camera cord.

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