Sunday, December 23, 2007

What the heck am I still doing up!?

I have a FULL day at church (Christmas program and dinner) and I should be getting as much sleep as possible!

But here it is 3:15 a.m. and I'm ironing clothes! I NEVER iron my clothes (unless absolutely necessary). I also have a load of clothes in the wash and dryer that I need to deal with then I'm going to bed.

I have to be up at 7 am to shower first, then pack the food up so that it's ready to go to the church, then eat breakfast and THEN get myself ready for church. I'm sure we're going to leave out at 9 so that means I have to be ready by 8:45.

I spent the day (well rest of the day as my morning was spent at work) with Lora. I helped her wrap gifts, we got McDonalds for lunch/dinner then she brought me home about 10:30 pm. I finished the tracklisting for my mom's CD and I'm hoping that Monday I can go to the library and burn it. I have the booklet done and will print it out when I get to the office in the morning.

Let me finish what I have to finish before it gets too late!

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