Monday, December 31, 2007

There's lots to do today and my horoscope has given me some ideas...

You are all about the big, showy gesture today -- which might make people take a second look. That's a good thing, of course, so make that splash and see what comes of it. You'll like what you see.

Yesterday was a lot of fun...and my horoscope was eerily right on target.

Daily Extended Forecast for December 30, 2007
Provided by

Any old plans would be good plans for you and a friend today -- except for a trip to the shopping mall. You need to watch out for impulse buying right now. And while you are perfectly capable of doing a few laps around the mall without melting your credit card, why push it? Suggest a movie or something else that will keep you occupied for a long period of time. Or try for an outdoor activity. If the weather is nice, how about taking a long walk and just catching up?

Staci and I ended up going to the mall after church. I bought 2 books...well outside of what I had to spend. Before that, Staci and I went to the Souplantation for lunch. She loaned me $5 on top of the $5 she gave me to get my books at Borders. Seems the gift card Lora gave gave me only had $20 and now $25 like was written on the card. I bought For One More Day by Mitch Albom and that sucker was nearly $22! and there was a 20% discount on the book. Geez! I never paid that much for his other 2 books...then again, I never got the books from the actual book store. I also bought The Golden Compass. I was going to buy the other 2 books in the series, but I'll get those at a later date.

It's 3:45 and I need to get dressed. Lora is probably going to pick me up around 445 or 5 pm. I hope no later than that because the party with Jen starts at 8 pm.

If I don't get back online tonight. Happy New Year, be safe and I'll see you next year! *cheesy grin*

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Let this be a lesson kiddies...

guard your myspace with you life.

my nephew had his page hacked and I got a couple of oh so naughty messages. I txt my nephew about it and he told me it wasn't him. So I looked at the page, and sure enough, it was hacked.

The, about 15 minutes ago, he called me swearing that he didn't do all of that and that his page was messed up. I told him that I knew and that he needed to change his e-mail and pw and delete all codes he had on his page. He's been calling every 5 minutes or so asking how to do certain things, and if he calls again, I'm going to have to tell him that he'll have to fix it the next time he's over (and I'm here to watch him)...and he can't give his pw to anyone. I'll be the only one with the pw - my way of making sure nothing happens that isn't supposed to happen.

this is why young kids (my nephew is 12 or 13) don't need myspace pages.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Missed jury duty

and boy was I lucky!

I postponed my appoint from October 22 to December 24 and TOTALLY forgot to check if I was to go in. I checked just and I'm not needed to serve tomorrow, but I have to call or check online between 7 pm and midnight to see if I have to go in on the 28th.

When I realized that I forgot to call over the weekend I was like "OMG I'm in so much trouble!" My mom looked at me like "wtf" and I told her and she was like "Oh no. call now." But I checked online instead.

Someone needs to remind me of these things so I don't get arrested for being absent-minded!

Speech grade is in

Just got the e-mail from the professor with my grade. 1411.75/1555=91% I got an A in the class. Cool. Now I'm just dreading my history grade. I totally BSed the final and I know that's going to do me in. But I hope the grade is up soon though.

Dude! Disturbing Behavior is a crazy movie! I just finished watching it. Makes me wanna home school any kids I have when they get to high school. lol

Criminal Minds is on, and while it is a repeat, it's CRIMINAL MINDS!

as stephanie bbq

My Shawn's going to be 21 on Jan 9th and I have NO IDEA what to get him! We've lost touch since he's gone away to school and about the only time I get to see him is at Christmas (he won't even been be here for his actual b-day since he goes back on the 7th).

I'm going to go shopping or something. I want to get out of the house but I forgot to call Lora and she's probably already gone to get her mom to go to the mall.

I also want to eat food at a sit down place. No fast food...maybe

Oh so those Christmas pics...Photobucket is being a pain so I'm going to post a few of my faves here.

Sister and the fam came over with a TV for us (I'm assuming more for my parents than for me) and we gave them (minus her husband) their gifts.

It's already 1 pm and my mom is still here. she's supposed to go see a friend or something and my dad has to go to my sister's before he goes to work...I don't know what they're going to do, but I still have a bus pass and if they annoy me too much more, I'll hop on it and do what I need to do.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph my books are expensive

My math textbook alone is $134.25 new and $100.70 used! And of course, math is the first class of the new semester so I'd like to have the book for when class started.

Then there's a math study packet (which is optional thank God) and that's $37.85 new and $28.40 used.

My political science book is $70.50 new and $52.90 used.

Geology book is $47.20 new and $52.90 (not sure if this is for the lecture, lab or both, but I'm just taking the lab so I don't know if I'd still need the book...)

I'll be asking the usual people to help me out (yet again) for books this semester - My mom, Lora and the church. You would think that having a job would allow for me to buy some of my books, but every semester I come up short or not able to do it at all. Especially this year since I've had to ask for help with so much.

stupid other church

I need to do all the things I didn't get to do on Monday - go to the bank and then to the mall to pay my cell phone bill. I wonder what time Lora is leaving out today...she doesn't have to go to work until Friday so she's off today and tomorrow. I'll call her around 10:30.

Pictures from last night are coming up. My dad found my mom's camera cord.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I'm pretty easy to please

My mom told me she would only be able to get my hair done as my Christmas gift so I was in no rush to get up this morning as I woudn't have gifts to open.

I was wrong.

I had 2 pair of pink fuzzy socks, a pink lounging shirt, pink brush comb and mirror (yes, I like the color pink!) and pink flower smock thingy. Oh and some pink flip flops, and a pink stuffed kitty (to which Ms Marple tried attacking several times) and one of those "digital" camera sold at the drug store. Yeah, nice replacement for my broken one.

But I wasn't expecting any of what I got.

From Lora I got a $25 Borders gift card, and "book thongs" haha seriously! it says book thong on the label! But they're cute. One is a cat and the other is a mermaid or fairy or angel. I can't tell.

From Licha I got a kitty mug & calendar, daily devotional and a pink notebook.

From John & Colleen I got a new Celtic Woman CD.

My sister already told me that Christmas was going to come for us (the parents and me) in April (or whenever she got her tax return). I don't mind. She gives awesome money gifts ($50-$100!) But tomorrow they're supposed to come over and get their gifts as she and the kids are at her mother in law's.

Tonight's the party with the usual church gang. 3:30 to about 8 or 9 so I have to get dressed and re-fixed my hair.

I hope everyone's Christmas has been how they expected...or better!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Tracking Santa

I'm having more fun than I should tracking Santa. lol

Got my hair done, but can't upload the pics because my dad misplaced my mom's usb cord (figures huh!?) So as soon as it's found, pics will be uploaded.

I need to finish cleaning the kitchen and then watch the rest of The Faculty and mail it back Wednesday.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

What the heck am I still doing up!?

I have a FULL day at church (Christmas program and dinner) and I should be getting as much sleep as possible!

But here it is 3:15 a.m. and I'm ironing clothes! I NEVER iron my clothes (unless absolutely necessary). I also have a load of clothes in the wash and dryer that I need to deal with then I'm going to bed.

I have to be up at 7 am to shower first, then pack the food up so that it's ready to go to the church, then eat breakfast and THEN get myself ready for church. I'm sure we're going to leave out at 9 so that means I have to be ready by 8:45.

I spent the day (well rest of the day as my morning was spent at work) with Lora. I helped her wrap gifts, we got McDonalds for lunch/dinner then she brought me home about 10:30 pm. I finished the tracklisting for my mom's CD and I'm hoping that Monday I can go to the library and burn it. I have the booklet done and will print it out when I get to the office in the morning.

Let me finish what I have to finish before it gets too late!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

That's $16 in my pocket

Yesterday I sold my speech book back and got $39.75 (I originally paid like $80) for it. woo hoo! That money's all gone now. haha Who knew dinner at Arby's, cat food and getting a pedicure for myself would be so much!?

The today I sold my history book back and got $16 (I originally paid like $40) for it. Now I can go back to the nail salon and get my eyebrows waxed in time to take Christmas pix tomorrow or Saturday night (not the professional ones like I wanted).

However, I won't be able to get my mom's gift (she didn't tell me what she wanted when I asked her last night) and I won't be able to get my bro (and his family) gifts, as well as my sister and her kids. At least I won't be able to get them before Christmas - not like my brother and his family would even get them in time for Christmas anyways.

I totally BSed my History take home final. It's 4 pages and I asnwered (to the best of my ability) the questions. I'm hoping to get a C in the class. Anything higher would surprise me.

I met this guy on the way to school today. His name is John Paul. Looks to be in his late 30s or early 40s. He's a good looking guy. Well he asked to use my cell phone and said he'd give me 50 cents. lol I told him that was okay. I'd let him use it for free. I have 200 minutes. I never use that many in a month! So anyways, he was saying how he was going back to school to get his AA in Business Management (I believe) but didn't think he had it in him to go for his Bachelors. He mentioned that he was going to go to Cypress but might change over and go to Cerritos. I didn't dare tell him that I might be going to Cerritos next semester...that would be a bit stalkerish, right?

and OMG! speaking of classes! Yesterday on the way to Arby's with Josh he was like "Oh you need to tell me what classes you're taking next semester so we can have some classes together." Umm excuse me, I need to do what? I don't need to tell him anything, but I told him anyways. I didn't tell him when I was taking the classes just the classes I would be taking. Then in Arby's he kind of stepped on my foot while we were at the counter and I pointed out the obvious and he was like "I was playing footsies with you..." don't make me laugh! haha! What the hell do I make of that boy!? I talked to Lora about him and she said he could look to me as a mother type figure since I'm older than him, but at the same time, he might like me? Idk. but it's weird. very weird.

I'm not much of a Hilary Swank fan, but I really want to see P.S. I Love You. It looks like a great romantic comedy...and if Josh is able to go to the movies tomorrow (his exact words were "I have to take you to see Alvin and the Chipmunks") I'm going to see how he'd react to me saying I wanted to see P.S. I Love You. lol I'm so....nice. Yeah, nice.

I'm going to print off some things and kill time before heading to the class room to turn in my history final...the head out before the rain comes *knocks on wood*

You know, you're a real idiot

I'm not going to sugarcoat dad is world class asshole.

He bad mouths me in an e-mail that he also sends to my mom. What the hell are you thinking!? You don't do something like that unless you want to start A LOT of drama.

So what if I don't know what I want to do in life, I'm going to school to try and figure that out. That's more than a lot of people do, right? I know the things I'm interested in and I'm going to school to learn more about those things and if they would suit me. I'm not going to settle for the first thing that happens to come along when there's so many things I'm interested in.

So what if I haven't gotten a job in the field my degree is in. I know A LOT of people who don't have jobs in the field their degree is in.

Would you rather me sit at home and do nothing? At one point in time I would have really liked to do that, but now not so much if that means being around him all the time.

One day I just might surprise you and end up doing that I really love, but you'll never know that now.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

wft?! back off some!

Josh is DETERMINED to go to the movies with me/take me to the movies. Today he was like "I really want to go to the movies with you...and a group...when are we going to go?" I was annoyed. I said Friday I'd go to the Buena Park Mall (I still have to buy some gifts but I totally don't have the money for anything) and we could go then. He said he'd call me tomorrow when he found out his work schedule. And then after that he was talking about his family going to Vegas for Christmas and I mentioned that I'd never been. He was shocked and then said I could go with himthem and I was like, "I can't. I already have plans". 1. It would have been weird. 2. he's in no position to invite a stranger to a family event without asking. and did I mention it would have been weird? Because yes. weird to the max!

WTF with Team Lachey's choir performance! Flight of the Bumble Bee?! It was cool and all, but like Blake Shelton said, I couldn't understand a word they said. lol I wonder how that's going to play out tomorrow...And sad that Team Shelton is in the bottom 2 again. Team Bolton needs to go. I wish they would have gone last night instead of Team Rowland. edit: yes! all is right again! Kind of.

Got The Faculty in the mail from Netflix. I'll watch that later tonight. This weekend I'm going to cheat Netflix out of some $$ and put a hold on my account until the 1st of the year then start it back up when I'll have the money.

Tonight I have that take home final to do. I was supposed to work on it last night and today at school but I didn't, so I have to do it tonight - at least a page for each question. If I do more than that, good, but I need to do a page at least for a C on it.

Speaking of As (finally!) on my last 2 speeches - 91% on my Informative Speech and 97% on my Persuasive Speech. Sometime this weekend Professor Chavez said she'd e-mail us our final grades. No telling when I'll know my grade for History. Probably at the end of the year/start of next year (not semester wise).

It's dinner time.

who is it from?

Yesterday my mom told me my dad still needed something for Christmas and I said I had something picked out, but I would have to get it for him after Christmas. She asked me what and I showed her the book online. The she went to the room, got her credit card and told me to get it.

It should arrive either Friday or Monday, but I don't know if it's from me or her. Not that it really matters or anything, I'm just curious.

It's still raining. My guess is it's been raining all night. I don't want to go to school in the constant rain.

Last night I took a different way home and it cost me a dollar more, but I didn't have to wait out in the rain forever like I would have if I went the usual way.

The cat woke me up early again. I'm so freaking tired! but if I go back to sleep, I might over sleep and I have a final today!

Is anyone else watching Clash of the Choirs? Team Bolton or team Shelton...maybe even Team La Belle, should have gone home. Not Team Rowland. Maybe that's just me thought. Well obviously. I just don't like choirs that have too much going on vocally that it sounds garbled up. I should have voted the other night, but I didn't know T-Mobile was one of the sponsors and I could have. Now I have to re-asses which choir I like and see if they don't garble it up too much. What was funny was Team Lachey doing a Garth Brooks song, and it actually sounded decent. I think Team Shelton has a little theme going on with their song - Monday was Life is a Highway (if I remember correctly) and last night was Takin' It to the Streets. One of the other celebs said that the next song should be that Boys II Men song End of the Road, but I think that might actually SEND them off the show (unless they knock it out the park) The people on the message boards are...too analytical? Maybe I just don't get all into shows like these people have. breaking down each and every aspect of a show (not just this one, but others in general). I have no desire or time to do that...nor do I take the time to read it. I just feel like it's a waste.

Oh's already 8 am. I'm going to have breakfast and watch the morning news.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

oh yay!

Things are tentatively set for Dec 21st hair appt! OMG I'm so happy! haha dork that's me!

In the last 2 hrs, I've saved 28 Doctor Who graphics. At home I maybe have another 5 or 6. I can't believe how quickly I've become attached to the show...and wish I had cable/BBC America to watch it on instead of having to rent it from Netflix.

Class in 30 minutes. I should get going.

I knew it was going to happen today...

The rain that is.

When the weather people said rain this week I jokingly said Friday, since the last few times it's rained, it's been a Friday, but in the back of my mind I knew it would be today.

I don't like going to school in the rain. I'm going to go the "long way" to school now. I won't be out in the rain like I would be if I went the way I've been going for the last 6 weeks.

In other less whiny news...Torchwood comes out on DVD here in Jan 2008. It's been added to my Netflix list. Hopefully by that time, I will be done with the current Doctor Who episodes and ready to start on Torchwood? That is if it comes out in late Jan, not early Jan.

The movies didn't happen yesterday. I was on my way there when Josh called and said he couldn't go, but Bobby was already there (or going to be there). He asked if I was still going to go and I said no. I was going to go back to Christmas shopping. I tried calling Bobby, but he was already in the movie theater and I didn't leave a message. I'll see them on Wednesday. No big deal.

Time to clean out the kitty liter box.

Monday, December 17, 2007

I hate my sister! *petty*

She got a V*CAST phone from Verizon!

My mom says I go through phones like crazy, this is my sister's SECOND phone this year! The one she got earlier was the upgrade (I think) when her plan was up and now this one...I think she got it because she gave the other one to one of the kids because they got cheapy phones a couple years ago and it was time for a new one (wtf they shouldn't have one with the way they act and how they're grade are!)

She has the kind of phone I want, but I can't justify spending that much $$ on a phone. And anyways, what the hell does she need a phone with a keyboard and mp3 player anyways?! it's not like she texts or listens to mp3s...although now, she probably will, I just doubt it. Oh and it's a camera phone!

Anyways...I went to Target. Spent like $70 but I got a good chunk of Christmas gifts! Now a few of them have to be mailed off (probably won't happen this week). I also saw the books I want to get for Marlin and Jasmine so next week (I hope) I'll go back and get them. Still have to get my parents gift, sister's gift, niece and nephew (Marline and Jasmine), my brother, sil and Marta and Daniela. So that's 7 maybe 8 gifts. My secret Santa one...that's not going to be what I originally planned. I made her a nice jewelry box and I'm going to put some bracelets in it. I think she'd like it.

It's 12:10 and if I'm to get to Buena Park by 3 p.m. I need to get it in gear to leave out at 12:45 or 1 p.m.


Spoke with the lady about my hair...she said either Saturday or Monday. While Monday is in time for Christmas Day, it isn't in time for the Christmas performance at my church on Sunday. If I get it Saturday, then it is, and I'll be able to take pics to post.

But I'm fully aware that it could happen as late as the 28th. Yup, that late. But it'll be in time for the New Year, so that's good too.

Would the Money Gods please throw some extra money my way?! I'd like to start off the New Year NOT being overdrawn in my checking account like I am now! I've stopped everything that automatically gets paid to work on this, but the way it's going, I don't know if that'll happen. It's really upsetting. Many of my gifts are going to be bought and sent AFTER Christmas and there's even a possibility that it might be as late as the first week in January.

Clearly I suck this Christmas.

Time to get dressed.

This isn't good...

Considering I'm going to be with 2 guys from class (and they already slightly annoy me)...and we all know how I get along with my family...

The people you deal with every day -- coworkers, fellow students, family members -- are considerably harder to manage than usual. Most of them have separate agendas that may not match yours.

And my morning plans I've changed. I didn't wake up early enough to do everything I needed to do this morning before getting the bus to go to the bank, so I'm going to have to change when I leave out and get a ride with my parents and modify everything from there.

As long as I leave where ever I'm at in my city by 1 pm I'll get to Buena Park Mall by 3 pm.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

No school Monday...paaaarty!

Since finals start tomorrow and there's no class (at least my prof said we didn't have class) I'm going to do a bit of shopping and then go to the movies with Josh and Bobby (Ryan had to cancel).

Since we're going to the movies later in the day, I can get to the library to burn the CDs for some people - 2 CDs to be exact. Also won't be able to "spend the day watching movies" like Josh suggested on Wednesday. 3 pm is too late to be starting on a movie marathon and plus I don't want to get home super later. I still have class on Tuesday.

Saturday...oh man what a day!

After work I came home only to find out I'd be house sitting while the plumber worked on Lora's tub, but when I got to her apartment, Staci was there. I stayed with her and then we went to the mall. Tina was going to buy something for Christmas for Staci. Problems over that, but Tina bought me a pair of shoes (from Macy's!!) but I can't wear them until Christmas/after Christmas. Yay! Origially they were $61 and on sale they were $30 something and since Tina has a Macy's card, another 10% was taken off so it was $29.00. SCORE!

Then went back to Lora's (after stopping at the grocery store), Staci cooked sauteed shirmp (which was really good) and UV Vodka (which was really good, but after 1 class, I was a bit faded! haha). I dyed Lora's hair and she brought me home at like 1 am.

Church was pretty boring was being at home. Josh called me about 7:30 and said said he tried earlier but someone else answered...which was really odd because I didn't have my phone with me and his number wasn't in my missed calls list. I think he missed dial. Apparently if you transpose a couple of the digits, you get some sex hotline. haha a friend told me that not too long ago.

I'm almost caught up on Doctor Who. Season 2 Disc 3 is where I'm at. Doctor Who Ten is growing on me. He's no Nine, but he's just as funny and a bit cute too. I have 2 recorded tv movies to watch on video tape. One I'm probably not even going to watch, but I really want to see Oprah Presents: For One More Day. It was on TV on the 9th, but for some reason I wasn't going to see it...or I wanted to watch something else? I can't remember now, but it's recorded.

I have 7 Christmas gifts that need to be mailed and I'll maybe only be able to buy 4 of them. The rest will be bought next week (during the sales!) and mailed out. That's how you make Christmas last longer. lol Won't be able to get my hair done in time for I won't be taking I'll be mailing out the rest of my cards and then when I am able to take pics (which I hope is close to the start of the new year) I can send out New Year's cards.

I'm going to go back to watching Doctor Who.

Oh crap! I need to get quarters to wash! That means less shopping money. grrr! My mom got quarters the last 2 times when I was supposed to. Lack of money is so annoying!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I would have been on the news if I knew about it

CBS and ABC news vans were at the parking lot of Marshalls yesterday in Buena Park/Cypress. Anyone see that? Apparently a lady refused to give up her purse/money/keys and was stabbed? I don't know. I didn't catch the story. But that Marshalls is right across the street from my college (Cypress College). Going to school yesterday I saw a CBS van and was like, "Hmm what's that about?" then as Jo and I were walking to Arbys after class, we saw ABC van and he joked that they sent a news van to report on him walking down the street...okay there buddy! So that's what happened.

Monday is the day Josh, Ryan and Bobby and I are going to the movies. and then Josh invited me to stay longer to watch other movies since he can watch as many as he wants and blah blah blah. And he's still doing that "I'll buy food if you want me to..." Who am I to deny someone (an adult) the right to eat if they are hungry? I don't get why he does that.

Speech class is pretty much over. We did our last speech (9 people still have to go) and next Wednesday is our last class where we'll have finals and do the remaining speeches. There are like 3 or 4 people I'm really going to miss from that class and I'm sure I'll see a lot of the others around campus next semester so I won't miss them too much. lol

Yesterday I went to work more on my research paper (that's due today) and it's gone! All that saved was the annotated bibliography and cover page! UGH! I had 3 pages of that sucker! I'm leaving at 8:30 today so that I can retype it and hopefully get it done, but if push comes to shove, I'll turn it in late and suffer with a lower grade. God, I'm going to be on campus 5 1/2 hours BEFORE class and then class is 3 hrs and 20 mins. I'm going to be on campus 8 hrs and 50 minutes today! Kill me now...please!

I have to get off here to make food. there's no way I can be there all that time without something to eat and I don't have money to buy anything.

Got a super secret interview today. I'm supposed to be called between 8-10 so hopefully it's soon.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Is it just nerves or is something bad going to happen today?

This morning I woke up not only feeling sick and like I missed something, but I also had this feeling that something bad was going to me.

It could be nerves, but I don't know.

and I have a slight headache too.

I want to call in sick today but there's a speech and double points are lost if class is missed...and this is the last class meeting before finals next Wednesday. Luckily there's no class on Monday so I can rest up...or maybe go to the movies (is Jo asks again...which he does on a regular basis).

I have my clothes out for school today and I'm tempted to make something for lunch because I have no extra buy lunch/dinner money.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

*bounces for joy*

I did it!!!

I made a speech under 6 minutes!

I timed myself and my speech is about 4 minutes and 44 seconds. I know that when I get in front of the class, I'll add 16-20 more seconds due to nervousness.

I've practiced this like 10 times and it's all in the 4-5 minute range. The speech has to be 5-6 minutes so I'm okay.

I better not get ANY negative feedback for this speech. It's the last one of the semester and while I'm not as in love with it as I was with my Desegregation of schools in the South speech I did last time, I'm still proud of it, and myself for doing it and not giving up.

Back to history.

Dog gone it

discover your dog breed @ quiz meme

and I'm home from school today. I told my parents Professor Newman cancelled class to let us work on our research papers, but that wasn't the case. I just needed the day to fully work on the research paper. Now I'm wishing I would have picked Thursday to not go to class, but today is as good a day as any.

My paper so far is 3 pages (not including cover page and annotated bibliography which is 2 pages) but I'm going to see if I can make it to the full 5 pages and I'll be happy with that. I still have to do footnotes for the paper too. Meh! Looks like tomorrow and Thursday I'll be going to campus early. Hopefully I get it all done to turn in on Thursday and not have to loose points for turning it in next Tuesday/Thursday (last day to turn it in - last day of class).

Well, I better get back to work. it's almost 3 p.m. and the kids should be coming back any time now.

Monday, December 10, 2007

oh shut up horoscope!

If you're looking for romance, now is a great time to open your eyes and check out the situation around you -- especially at work or at school! If you're with someone already, things should go well.

Why is school always thrown into the mix! UGH! LOL

I actually got to campus early to work on the last part of my speech outline (which is just the memorable statement for my conclusion)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Yet another busy (and rainy) Friday

I'm so freaking tempted to NOT do the speech that's due on 12/12, but it's worth 350 pts (175 for both the speech and the outline). Are you kidding me?! 350 points for a 5-6 minute speech and 1 page outline?! That's enough to make a person go crazy from worrying what to do. I do have a topic picked out...actually I'm torn between 2 topics - California's Three Strikes Law or Illiteracy in America.

I hate that we're only given a week to do research on a topic and then asked to present that topic in 5-6 minutes. Last speech I went indepth and went over my time limit. This time do I bs it and hope that it's 5 minutes? A lot of people BSed their speeches, got it between 5-6 minutes and were praised. Clearly I'm still annoyed by this and will be for quite sometime.

Since I didn't get to update my Rosa Parks paper, I'm going to do that today too. It's due on Thursday and I don't have enough money in my print account to take my sweet time like I wanted so I'm going to do exactly what Professor Newman said and nothing more. If I would have started on it in the beginning of November, maybe I would have enough time to really go all out.

Going to leave for work at 8:40, do my work then do my homework and come home. I still have 3 Dr. Who dvds to watch and one I'm almost done with. I'm going to finish that one and then mail it today (on my way to or from work). My main queue for Netflix has about 70 DVDs in it. I'm debating on if I want to continue the service or not. I have like 80 or 90 (maybe more) in another queue that I have disabled. I might cancel it when I hit the year mark (February 2008).

I better go watch the rest of this Dr. Who dvd before it gets too late.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

being at school early is of the suckage!

They have MySpace blocked so I can't get on (not that there's anything of importance there, but it's part of my online thing I do - check all the places I get mail). Blerg!

But right now, I'm doing research for my 2 major assigments. Oh a whim I e-mail my history professor about doing rosa parks for my research paper and e-mailed her what I had from the 11th grade and she said I could turn that in provided I do the necessary correction per the directions for the assignments (4 footnotes and 4 annotated bibliography entires). YES! I should have that done this weekend and ready to print out on Sunday. Keeping papers finally paid off and it's totally NOT plagiarism!

Test in history in about 30 minutes so I better finiah what I'm doing so I can be in and out before the rain hits! I left out the apartment and forgot an umbrella! I'm stupid!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Today was absolutely horrible

The only bright side was being able to laugh it up with the usual people...and seeing Br after not seeing him on Monday.

What made today so horrible? Just remember the comments I got from Professor Chavez about my speech on Monday. I was so incredibly proud of myself for actually finishing it (on time) but I was a little worried about the timing. I went over, but that was beside the point. I posted about all the comments that were made in a previous entry, so I won't go back into that...

but then today I got an assignment back from her and of the possible 20 points for the assignment...I got a lousy 10! I actually did the assignment and turned it in on time, and got a freakin' 10! Br and a couple of other people did it THE DAY IT WAS DUE and got pretty much full credit!

The rest of the class I was in a horrid mood. Br, Bo and Jo noticed, but I didn't say anything. So what if I got a few bad grades on some big deal. I'll still pass the class...but that's not the point. I'm busting my ass and getting knocked down, but these other people are doing shitty jobs on their assignments (imo) and getting full credit! How is that right?!

If I wasn't on the verge of crying from being so upset, I was close to just packing up and walking out. We have a week to do another speech (it's due 12/12), 10 more people still have to give their speech that was due 12/ they get 2 weeks to work on it when everyone else had to rightfully have it done 12/3 on top of that, I have a history test tomorrow and research paper due 12/13.

Thankfully Jen invited me to something 12/14 so I can get my mind off all this school gone wrong.

Monday, December 3, 2007

There is no winning with my speech teacher!

I just watched my recording from my speech today and other than being over by a minute and having to cut the last bit of my speech, I liked it.I thought I gave more eye contact than what came off during the speech, but I was wrong.

Before today's speech I reviewed the last recorded speech and thought I made the changes she suggested, but in watching today's speech, she said the same things over again...this time added a few other things: I followed my outline too closely, I need to work on my memorable statement at the end, more eye contact and to practice my speech more so I won't have to use the note cards.

1. what's the point of having an outline if you're not going to follow it? and what does this "followed outline too closely" mean anyway?
2. if I would have had the time, I could have used the memorable statement that's actually on my outline, but I was pushing 7 minutes and needed to wrap it up.
3. the more eye contact thing...I felt like I was giving good eye contact to several people, but I guess that wasn't enough. She also said that about 9 people (out of a class of 30 something) were looking at me and that was because I wasn't looking at them. I'm going to keep working on the eye contact
4. practicing of the speech more. I know that. I did however go over the darn thing about 15 times and I wanted to get the woring just right and ended up reading from my note cards instead of just speaking.

some things that she did like were my powerpoint presentation (it was very professional and all pictures used had sources from where I got them) and my opening narrative. And there was something else, but in the grand scheme of things, her likes of it was far less than those of what needed work.

I got my outline and works cited page back from the speech from last week. It would have been nice to have that BEFORE working on this new speech because a lot of the mistakes I made on the first outline were made on the outline from this speech. I now know what to do for that speech that's going to be on Dec 12.

Also, I can't get over how she told me to ask my peers for help with the outline and whatnot. They were the ones coming to me for help, I was helping them based on my work and THEY GOT BETTER GRADES THAN I DID! How the heck does that happen?! Every single person (about 6 people) who came to me and asked me to look at their outline and works cited page did 1-5 points better than I did! I'm going to turn the tables and go to them next time.

I'm so upset over this, I'm shaking!

Dec 13 I have an interview about something uber secret...and I probably shouldn't have said anything, but I'm nervous about it. I want it to go smoothly.

I'm going to keep my etsy shop up until the end of the year and if I haven't sold anything (at least 5 of the 19 things listed) I'm going to close up shop and let my mom deal with the selling of her creations.

CSI: Miami in 30 minutes! Yay!

Sunday, December 2, 2007 Update!

currently adding more items to my shop. The items I've already organized are with my mom (who is doing a freaking double at the retirement home) so I'm probably going to have to re-organize them in order to put them up at etsy.

I'm photographing and uploading them as fast as I can so check back if you like.

what the heck?!

My speech is all done and it's almost 7 minutes!

I thought what I created was 5 1/2 minutes but I guess I was wrong!

The again it could be because I changed the wording so many times that I haven't got the new wording committed to memory. I need to get it down so that it's 5 1/2 minutes! That would be a perfect length!

Wednesday of this week we have an exam. One chapter was left out because we haven't gone over it yet. This was the same chapter that was supposed to be on the last exam, but it wasn't because we didn't go over it. I wonder if it's even going to be on the final...haha

Wednesday of next week I think we have another major speech due! OMFG! My brain can't keep stressing over major speeches!

How interesting my horoscope for today is...

Daily Horoscope by Sunday December 2, 2007

You get some measure of recognition for an achievement that you were sure would go unseen. It's a delight to get well deserved praise and though it may come from an unexpected source, you'll take it!

I wonder what I'll get tomorrow for my horoscope.

My mom was called into work this morning at 6:30 (to be there at 7 am). She missed church. I didn't think to ask her if she was going to be there all day (7 am to 10:30 pm) because her regular shift if from 2-10:30 pm. I asked my dad when he came back from dropping her off and he said he didn't think so. That she'd probably be home around 2:30 or 3 pm. I hope she doesn't have to work all day because that would really suck.

Well, I need to get my stuff together. it's almost noon and while this Sunday is Communion Sunday, service should be over in about 15 minutes.

I take care of my teeth! why are they turning on me?!

The last few days I've had a tooth ache. Like all my other tooth aches, it only happens at night when I'm trying to go to bed and in the morning when I wake up. I don't know what I do (besides take pain pills) to make it go away, but it goes away and only rears it's ugly head at those two times.

Well it's morning and I have a tooth ache. Not as bad as it was last night. I was literally to the point of tears it was so bad. and it was like I couldn't take the pain pills fast enough to make the pain stop. Eventually it did stop as I was falling asleep, but GUH! so painful!

I don't have the insurance to go to the dentist and Western Dental from last year was a freaking joke! The $77 I paid to them for their "insurance" was a HUGE joke! My out of pocket expense was outrageous! To have my teeth cleaned was like $70 something! That's fucking crazy!! And all the work they said I needed done (which my original dentist said I needed) was equally outrageous. Now it's been a year (maybe longer?) since I was last at the dentist so there's probably more I need done. For sure I need my teeth cleaned, 2 teeth put in from where I originally had crowns but they came out and the dentist who put them in was going to charge me again to fix them even though they didn't put them in correctly in the first place! Oh and this tooth ache I have...that tooth either needs a root canal or filling.

I've also been search all over my hard drive and photobucket for this one Christmas picture I had. It was me with this really pretty ribbon on my head (like a hat)...but I can't find it. I don't even the year the pic was taken. I looked December 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 and no luck. Meh!

It's 8:15 and my dad said that we were leaving at 9 so I better shower and get dressed.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Army v Navy game ended. GO NAVY!! Navy beat the Army 38-3! Army got their ass kicked! LOL

in about 30 minutes will be the USC v UCLA game. GO USC!

The later is Arizona Wildcats v Arizona Sun Devils. I don't know who to root for with this one. Whoever gets the first points is who I'll root for. It sucks having 2 college teams from the same state against each other. I never know who to root for!

in other news...time is running out for me to do my project! My dad asked me if I wanted to go to the library and I said no. I don't feel comfortable working there. It's too quiet. LOL So I'm going to work here: finish my speech. and then tomorrow print it out and work on my powerpoint presentation (since I haven't figured out how to use this operating system's powerpoint program). I hope I get that done tomorrow because I give the speech on Monday! Ick!

Leno's striking staffers gone

I just read that Leno's striking staffers were laid off and my jaw dropped. I don't watch Leno too much anymore (since I'm usually watching TMZ) but still. That's crazy.

Then I remember something that my history teacher said at our last class meeting...that President Roosevelt (Franklin that is) set up some program or something, that said that stiking union workers couldn't be fired. In my notes I have it as the Wagner Act.

Time to google and read up on the Wagner Act because reading about these writers being laid off while they're on strike has me all kinds of confused.

edit: I read up on it at Wikipedia and I'm still confused. I did find an Act called the Taft-Hartley Act and part of it deals with actors and SAG, but nothing specifically about WGA. I should ask my history teacher about it on Tuesday.

BTW, I'm very bored and putting off working on my speech. I should go to the library when it opens up, but after feeling blah from going out in the rain yesterday, I don't want to go out today - rain or not.

I hate looky-loos. The crocheted stuff I have up at etsy has been looked at SEVERAL times, but no takers! Are the prices unreasonable or something?! I don't think they are! These are hats and scarves that have been done by hand!

I'm going to have turkey soup for breakfast. YUM! The breakfast of cold champions!! hehe

but first, my maidly duties have been called upon. *rolls eyes*