Sunday, November 11, 2007

another speech to bs my way through

I hate the speeches that I have to BS my way through, or that require a lot of hard work.

This next speech is both of those.

It's a How to Perform the Steps of a Process speech. We have to have 2 expert sources to go along with a bibliogrpahy/works cited page.

There's a list of sample topics, how to create a craft project popped out at me, but then we were told we should keep in mind the make up of the class. There's a mixture of guys and girls, but all the crafts I think of, no guy would ever do. So...that means picking another topic.

I can't think of anything where I can find 2 expert sources to quote from!

So I picked some BS sugar cookie recipe that's similar to that of one that I was told by my Aunt's Ruby. There! I have 2 expert sources: the online website and my Aunt Ruby. I can quote them both and come off sounding like an expert on how to make sugar cookies.

Luckily this speech isn't due until November 21st so I can get an uber rough outline, show it to Mrs Chavez-Appel to get her opinion. If it needs revision I can decide to scrap it and find something different, or revise it and use it.

Again, I can't help but wonder if anyone else is having/will have the same problems...

I'm going to bed. It's almost 2 am and I have church in 6 or 7 hours. Yay for no school on Monday!!

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