Tuesday, November 27, 2007

response to the e-mail from yesterday

I think I've finally come up with a response to that person's e-mail about The Golden Compass and the athesist on his death bed (which I don't see how the 2 go together).

My response to said e-mail is going to be this:
It it not my concern what anyone (athiest or believer) does on their death bed. All I said was that if one side of a story is presented, there is bound to be another side, in some manner, presented. It is not our place to tell others what is Truth, as that is different to everyone, but to listen to all that is presented and determine what is truth to us as an individual.

The end. should this person respond after that...well I'll deal with that later.

I need to get dressed for school. I have my history paper to type (Newman said it was due today, but on the class outline it has the 29th) and I want to give myself enough time to do it (as well as start on a couple of assignments for my speech class that are due tomorrow) and print it out and not be late to class.

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