Sunday, October 21, 2007


I forgot to call Lora yesterday asking to have my paycheck early so I was going to do it today and when I get into church, I hear Colleen telling John that Lora is sick and won't be in. She probably worked herself until she got sick. And last week she was just saying how October 31st is flu shot day at her job. She probably won't be able to get that.

But what's worse, for me, is that I'm hella overdrawn ($-94.79) in my checking account. I have been for the last 5 days...well now it's more. And if in another 5 days I don't bring the account to balance, it'll be closed. *sighs* I have all of $0.65 in my paypal account, $0.61 in my ING account and I can't ask my parents for money because their money went to pay bills and I believe my sister doesn't have any either (at least that's what I gathered because the kids didn't have money to put in their lunch accounts at school), but I'm still going to harm in asking, right?

Colleen just came in and asked me if I was going to be okay in not having my paycheck early...I forgot she reads my myspace blogs. lol I didn't want to say that I wasn't going to be okay...that my checking account was going to be closed at the end of the week, but *sighs* I just said I'd ask my sister.

I feel like screaming or something!

October 22 and 23 the bookstore on campus is doing it's mid-term buy back so I'm going to take two or three of my books back and see if they'll be bought back. I hope they will. There are only two reason I think they wouldn't: they aren't going to use the book anymore or they have too many copies. One book I bought in the Spring (January) for an English class I thought I'd have to take, and the other I bought in the Fall (September 06) for classes and all of them are in great condition. I have them listed on, but the prices they suggested were CRAZY! I paid $80 something for one book and it was being sold online for $10! That's crazy! So like I said, tomorrow I'm going to take the books and hope I'm able to sell them back.

So school tomorrow. I have my clothes out for the week, tonight I'll pack my bag with my notebook, reading book for the bus and some snacks. I also have to remember to bring my notes that I made about transfer classes and transferring in general. I want to talk with someone in the transfer center (I have an appointment on Thursday, but I want to do it tomorrow) about...duh...transferring and if the classes I have listed are the ones I'll need to take in the Spring (January 08) in order to actually transfer. AND if not having those classes completed at the time of applying to CSULB and CSUDH will hurt. I hope it doesn't. My first class of the week is Speech. I was it was History. Or that there was a PoliSci class I could have taken. Those are 2 classes that I really like.

Hmm I don't think there's anything else. I can't think of anything else. I'm going to get a head start on my work for next Friday/Saturday.

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