Sunday, October 28, 2007

Murphy's law can kiss my butt!

(Almost) everything that could go wrong did go wrong today.

The car doesn't work properly. I wish my MOM would get a new car. Heck, if I had the money, I'd buy a used car. But I don't so I can't. heh

While I did get my homework done and got to work on my stories, I didn't take my history notebook with me to work on my notes.

I got paid, deposited my paycheck via ATM, but couldn't get money out. So I had to ask my dad for the money. Now I owe my dad $24 and my mom $90 something (or I will owe her next week).

I can only pay my cell phone this month and at the end of next month (November) I'll have to triple up on my credit card bill. ick.

I had to call THREE places today to see if they had weekly bus passes and I finally found one. The first 2 places (I went to Ralphs first) had just sold out. meh But my dad is going to take me to get my pass in a bit (3 p.m. ish)

but a big plus! SCHOOL TOMORROW! YAY!! No seriously! I'm excited about going to school tomorrow. lol

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