Monday, October 22, 2007

SoCal's on fire!

I woke up this moring to almost all the TV stations coverng the news. There's at least 10 or 15 fires going on. All that loss is sad.

We're in desperate need of rain, but now, I almost don't want it to come because if it does, then there'll be mudslids like crazy.

This is a pretty sucky place to live right now.

Since fire is on all the channels, shows are being pre-empted. I stopped my VCR from recording anymore of what's on ABC. GMA isn't on regular TV, but it's digital cable counter-parts. Sucks for me. I don't have cable. I hope someone's able to post Lance's interview. I hope the rest of the day/week's shows aren't pre-empted.

And in other "news" I'm dressed for school. My bus doesn't come until 9:40 am, but my dad has to take my mom to the Retirement Center, so I'm going to hope a ride with them. It'll save me 40 minutes so that's good.

I better go see about packing some snacks (of which we don't have) to take with me. I have no spending money to buy any on campus for the rest of the month.

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